Prometheus Beta Magnetic Available for Preorder – Last Day!

Prometheus Lights (aka Dark Sucks), maker of the Delta, Beta, and other popular EDC items has refreshed the Beta line. Now on offer is the Beta Magnetic! It’s available for preorder now (and just now – preorder ends tonight!)

The new version of the Beta LED flashlight retains many of the standard features of the previous Betas, but notably, the split ring is attached to a brass connector, and this is all connected to the light magnetically.

Magnets, how do they work! This whole setup seems to shorten the light a bit, which is a great thing for the Betas.

The Beta Magnetic is still a twisty, with single mode output. Single mode of 100% output.

This output is an extremely pleasant 95+ CRI from a Yuji BC3030 G04 LED.

There’s no reflector to speak of, so the output is very floody.

These lights will make a great accessory, and the anodized finish should age nicely on a keychain.

Regular price on these will be $69.00, but the preorder going on now will see a bit of a discounted price! These can be had for $52 in the preorder. The light runs on a single AAA cell, and one is included.

Furthermore, these are limited to 1000 pieces! Go sign up now!

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