Olight announced their first LEP, the Olight Odin Turbo Weapon Light

Olight Odin Turbo White Laser LEP WML

Olight Odin Turbo LEP flashlight in desert tan

Laser Excited Phosphor (LEP) technology used in the Olight Odin Turbo has been becoming more and more popular. Most recently Lumintop teased a fancy model, and Atibal and Weltool (contact us for a discounted price) offering it a weaponlight format. It’s been an technology people have frequently requested from Olight, and they delivered with the Olight Odin Turbo!

What is a LEP (white Laser Excited Phosphor) Flashlight?

The white LEDs that you’re accustomed to generate a blue light (usually) and direct it at a phosphor to excite converting all or part of the light to white. LEP diodes are similar, however instead of directing blue light at the phosphor, LEP diodes utilize a laser, allowing for a narrow and highly directional light.

Laser excited phosphor lep schematic

LED vs LEP Flashlights

LEP technology is new and the industry seems to be trying to figure out it’s application. We know that LEP produces a narrow “pencil” beam with little to no spill. It appears that most brands are coming to the conclusion that it will make for good long range weapon lights. Acebeam invented a focusable LEP searchlight that allows the user to adjust the spread (etendue) of the beam. however at over $3k it doesn’t seem like a practical option for most users at this point,

LEP Flashlight Function

Olight’s LEP: The Odin Turbo Weapon Mounted Light

Olight has joined the LEP game with a weapon mounted flashlight, the Odin Turbo. Available in black or tan, the Odin Turbo is a 21700 powered light with an impressive 1,050 meter throw . The runtime is a claimed 7.5 hours on the low level. The output is only 330 lumens, demonstrating of how LEP flashlights function. Lasers are easy to focus down to a very small point, resulting in low etendue ( I just love that word).

Olight odin lep mounted on a rifle

Olight Odin Turbo Features

The Odin Turbo features an integrated weapon mount attachment point, allowing for Picatinny or M-Lock rail compatibility (did keymod die?). While the rail mounts are removable. the attachment point is not, which makesthe Odin Turbo a less than ideal EDC light. Other features include:

  • Vibrating battery level indicator
  • Olight’s two stage metal tactical tail switch,
  • Magnetic remote switch compatibility (included) with a push to lock function
  • Integrated magnetic charger (MCC3)
olight odin turbo whats in the box

Where to buy?

As with most new launches, Olight is releasing the Odin Turbo during a flash sale! The sale begins at 8PM on 5/27 and will run 5/28 11:59pm EDT

At only $179.96 during the flash sale this Odin Turbo LEP WML is the most affordable branded WML on the market currently, a price point unusual for Olight. Olight is also offering a number of different bundles for additional discounts,

Olight flash sale bundle

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