Gyorgy Kemenes Balaton Released

Gyorgy Kemenes, known for his tiny custom torches, the Nucleus and the Omnicron, announced his new masterpiece, the Balaton.

Available in a wide variety (yet small quantities) of exotic metals, Brass, Titanium, Mokuti Mokume, Zirconium and Bluetongue Damasteel, the Balaton is a 10440 powered light featuring a relatively deep reflector, Nichia 219c 4000k 93 CRI LED, and a FET driver with the programmable GuppyDrv firmware.

“Unlike my previous lights I wasn’t on a mission anymore to make the smallest or most compact flashlight. This was the first time I could do a little more without having to worry about too little material remaining”

Gyorgy Kemenes

The Balaton is comprised of seven machined parts incorporating a hefty copper pill, milled details and trit slots, modular body sleeves, and a switch mechanism engineered by Gyorgy. The brass and metal assemblies are designed with a machined metal tail-switch, also incorporating trit slots, while the exotics will feature extremely rare and unusual tritium spheres, integrated into the switch.

In addition to the unique tail-switch, the Balaton’s sleeves are swappable and available in an assortment of materials including exotic woods like Brazilian Rosewood. The default sleeve material is titanium, exotic metals will be available as an additional purchase.

The prototype of this model was first shown almost a year ago, “So after months of excitement and keeping this under wraps, it is done” says Gyorgy. The Balaton will be available for purchase on 5/19/19 on the Flashlight Fanatics facebook group and

Photos used with permission from Gyorgy Kemenes 


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