Flashlight News: Phreaky Briefing Issue 35

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Phreaky Briefing by PhotonPhreaks

Welcome to the latest Phreaky Briefing Issue! We provide Phreaks like yourself with enjoyable and valuable flashlight information.  We won’t spam and will keep hawking wares to a minimum. If you aren’t into flashlight news just click here to skip to the PhotonPhreaks updates, otherwise; Let’s get on to the news!

Phreaky Briefing

High End / Custom News

Production News

Deadwood Custom Works has designed and produced a wood sleeve for the Tombstone! Also produced was a Monkey Edge Frag Pattern Tombstone 3.0? The two weren’t made to go together, but they certainly look great in this sample image.  

deadwood custom works ironwood sleeve and frag pattern

Here’s another photo, with some buildouts.

deadwood custom works ironwood sleeve build

These have begun to become available, the first one was sold as an auction in the Deadwood Customs Facebook Group.

denkiman808 has made an E-series Aleph/McGizmo style light engines to P60 Aluminum pills conversion. This is a very specialized build, but perfect for those who need this kind of build! And we know denkiman808 does fantastic work!

denkiman808 p60 to e-series conversion

Hacksmith made the worlds brightest flashlight! They used 300 Cree XHP70.2 emitters and pretty much custom built everything else. What it lacks in portability, it makes up for with 1.4 million lumens to light up the whole area!

LoBeams custom headlamp is offering some interesting features! There’s “Social Mode” which dims the light when you look at someone to talk to them (so you don’t blind them). There’s also “Color Mode” which allows you to pick a custom color (hue, saturation, & brightness). The LoBeam is 300 lumens, is rechargeable via microUSB and has a battery life indicator, is water resistant, and has a reflective band so you can be spotted in the distance easily.

lobeams headlamp

User Cvinion is working on a new 21700, Osram CULNM1.TG Boost, 5A, Zoomie, and hopes to make the Nitesun HT Series B.L.F. Custom into a group buy. This should be an upgrade from the Nitexun HT12, with all the BLF upgrades! details

budgetlightforum nitesun custom zoomy

Oveready just released Insider #77, and it included a bunch of new items!

First is the HA Black Hex with Stainless Crenelation bezel:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha bezel

Then there’s another bezel available, the HA Black Cooling with Stainless Crenelation bezel.

oveready aluminum 2024 ha cooling bezel

Next is the HA coated P35 bodies cut from 2024 aluminum, with battery bumper & 18mm capacity:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha p35 bodies

And the same as above but with 18650 fitment.

oveready aluminum 2024 ha p70 bodies

There’s a new (and matching) tailcap, too: the HA coated DPC Tail Caps cut from 2024 aluminum, with removable bezel down clip & full switch options:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha tailcap dpc

Next up is an extender: HA coated 35 Extenders. These support 18mm diameter cells:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha 35 extender

And the same as above, but in 70 format:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha 70 extender

Oveready took it all one step further, with the polished 2024 aluminum 4-piece P35 Host, covering 1×18350 & 2×18350:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha polished full p35 host

And a longer Polished 2024 aluminum 4-piece P70 Host version too, covering 1×18650 & 2×18650:

oveready aluminum 2024 ha polished full p70 host

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Phongtep Supajinda has finished the first iteration of his 18350 twisty. This light offers a 12 mode Convoy driver, and may just be a one-off.

phongtep 18350 twisty with custom metalwork aluminum

Phongtep also reports work on a titanium model!

phongtep 18350 twisty with custom metalwork titanium

Tek Lights Twisty runs a 16mm led(this one is lh351d) with a h-17f driver. 20mm Carclo of course. Copper and brass heads and tail caps will be standard. So far this is just a one-off / prototype, but we could see these for sale at some point in the future.

tek lights brass and aluminum twisty 18650

Yellowday Energy has released the Wreck-It LYT. Made of solid brass, copper, stainless or titanium, with a fully CNC machined clip! This model has a H17Fx driver to run the single 5000k Samsung LED! Output is over 1100 lumens, and a Dragon driver is available. Prices are:
Titanium $365
Copper $345
Stainless $345
Brass $325

yellowday energy wreck-it lyt

Acebeam PT40 headlamp is equipped with 6 LEDs for high output, up to a 110° angle beam with evenly diffused light as well as ultra bright area/work light. Powered by a single 18650 rechargeable Li-ion battery.

acebeam pt40 headlamp

Brinyte T28 Artemis is a zoomable flashlight with white, red, and green emitters. The T28 offers a rotary tail switch!

brinyte t28 hunting light with rotary

Convoy has teased some lighted tailswitch options. This is not new, but it’s new with the metal switch, and something we’ve wanted for a while!

convoy lighted metal tail switch

Elzetta has announced the “G-Line”, which certainly looks to rebranded JETBeam lights.

Elzetta announces the G-EDC-RCR, a twisty RCR123 flashlight, designed for everyday carry.

elzetta edc lights from jetbeam - rcr123

Elzetta also has released the G-EDC-AA, and AA version of the aforementioned RCR. This one is also twisty, and accepts only AA cells.

elzetta edc lights from jetbeam - AA

Jetbeam lookalikes are the JET II-MK and the JET-1 MK

Fireflies E12R has gotten RGB auxiliary lights, and offers disco mode! Blue shown below, but it’s really a disco of colors!

fireflies E12r with rgb aux lights

Lumintop has made the Worm in various new flavors. This 120 lumens EDC keychain flashlight is now available with copper, brass, stainless steel, Damascus, and Mokume materials.

lumintop worm in special metals

Maglite and Marvel have teamed up to make the Punisher ML300LX 3-Cell D flashlight as well as a CR123 version

maglite x marvel punisher model

Manker MK37 will have a Luminus SBT90.2 with some kind of TIR, and likely be quite a beast! Manker typically does great lighted switches, and usually has a great user interface, so we’re excited about this one.

manker mk37 sbt90.2 thrower

Manker U22III has been announced. Details are limited at this point, but being a third version of the light, it should be well refined!

manker u22iii update

MecArmy CPL2 is a USB Type-C rechargeable mini LED flashlight, with a max output 300 lumens. It’s designed for carry on a chain.

manker cpl2 keychain light

Nebo is stepping into the advanced lights category with the Luxtreme, a light with USB-C charging, and claiming 900 meters of throw!

nebo luxtreme

Nextorch has released the NEX 19 Flashlight Duty Baton, a “low-key, robust, and multifunctional next-gen personal defense tool.” The light is powered by a single 14500 cell.  

nextorch nex 19 striking defense baton flashlight

Nichia announced the E11A, little brother to the E21A. The E11A will be a tiny (1mm square) domeless emitter, and probably be perfect for many secondary applications! Read more.

Nitecore NU07 LE headlamp. Designed for tactical or law enforcement use it has red, green, yellow, white, and blue emitters, and many attachment options including ARC Rails, Molle and Velcro.

nitecore nu07 le law enforcement headlamp

Nitecore has released the TINI 2, and update to the TINI line. This looks to be an iterative design, with improvements across the board. There’s an OLED display, a dual switch interface, and dual emitters.

nitecore tini 2 keychain flashlight

ReyLight has introduced a brass button for the Pineapple! This light is available now for $49-$54, depending on emitter.

reylight pineapple with brass button preorder

Luke H displays the new ReyLight timascus Pineapple Mini. Rumor is only 10 were made.

reylight timascus pineapple mini 1 of 10

ReyLight is considering making a UV365 Pineapple! Rey says he was able to source a filtering lens for it too, which should make for a very clean UV output!

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One more bit of news just released from ReyLight – it looks like Rey is considering a long Pineapple Mini!

reylight pineapple mini long version

RovyVon released details on the A33, a light we’ve seen hints on in issue 34. The A33 is a micro-USB charging pen light and available as a pre-order.

rovyvon a33 penlight

Thrunite T2 in blue and tan, which we already reported on, is now available! ZeroAir reviewed the black Thrunite T2 here. The blue should be quite similar!

thrunite t2 preorder for blue

Thrunite is also doing a huge year end blowout sale, it’s worth checking out!

Zebralight will begin limited shipping on January 1 of 2021. They’ll ship only directly to US customers. This caused a whirlwind of rumors about Zebralight, but upon checking, it was stated that Zebralight is doing fine, and has some very interesting things in the works! Another rumor is that Zerbralight will be introducing on-board charging to their lights but it hasn’t been substantiated yet.

zebralight shipping to only united states customers jan 1 onward


If you’re having trouble finding the right flashlight for you, check out Parametrek. It’s the most detailed flashlight search engine that we’ve found and they help make the Phreaky Briefing a reality.


What’s New with PhotonPhreaks

Here’s a quick rundown of the Phreakiest happenings:

  • The Holiday sweatshirts didn’t work out but the 2020 Christmas limited edition patch has been released! USPS is a bit crazy these days, there’s no telling how long it will take to receive them so don’t hesitate.
  • We are almost out of the Flood Rings in Invisible Aqua and probably won’t do another run.
  • The PhotonX (that’s us!) Tala is getting closer to completion. Stay on the lookout for more news on that one. The details are in our facebook group.

As always, 
Spread the Light!

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