Now that the snowstorm Free Obulb program has concluded, Olight is hosting a flash sale on the Warrior Mini (originally launched in September, then ran...
The Fenix HP16R is a rechargeable, high-performance outdoor headlamp, utilizing a Luminus SST-40, a dual switch interface, and multiple emitters.
The Tala is a flashlight collaboration between Leo of LM Toolworks and Simon of PhotonX Lights. An uncommon concept, the Tala features a dual beam...
In this Phreaky Briefing, news about Fenix, Lumintop, and others, with a bunch of glowy bits, and some special custom news, too! And check...
Exploding Olights There’s been an uptick in talk online in the flashlight, EDC and gun communities about exploding flashlights. Most often referenced is the case...